Note: This is a rebroadcast. You may think of anxiety as a reaction, a feeling, or a disorder. My guest ...
Full articleWhen you first receive the news that a loved one has died, you can initially feel weirdly alright. ...
Full articleLast week we explored Plato's allegory of the chariot, which the ancient philosopher used to explain the ...
Full articleNothing is as fatiguing as the continued hanging on of an uncompleted task. —William James You probably ...
Full articleKurt Vonnegut’s short story “Harrison Bergeron” imagines a time in which the government enforces the ...
Full articleHas life been feeling flat? Do you not get the same pleasure from activities you once ...
Full articleHow do people lose their spouse, their faith, their grip on their values, goals, and dreams? It ...
Full articleYou walk down your driveway to your mailbox. You open it up and start sorting through your ...
Full articleTwenty years ago, it didn't seem like a burdensome task to write a handwritten letter to a loved one. ...
Full articleWhile “labyrinth” is sometimes used to describe a deliberately confusing maze with branching passages ...
Full articleHappiness is the subject of thousands of articles, podcasts, and scientific studies. Yet all this focus on ...
Full articleDante's Divine Comedy is considered one of the greatest works of literature ever written. The poem not ...
Full articleIn discussions about getting older, people will sometimes say, "When you're young, you think adults have ...
Full articleWithin the space of just three decades, monumental episodes of exploration and expedition, politics and ...
Full articleIn a world that celebrates overnight success, it's easy to forget that very often, achieving your dreams ...
Full articleWhat’s the perfect temperature for running a marathon? You might imagine that it’s a balmy 70 ...
Full articleThe goal of life is to make your heartbeat match the beat of the universe, to match your nature with Nature. ...
Full article85% of the users of dating apps say they would like the folks they go out with to tell them directly if ...
Full articleEmotions play a central role in how you experience life. If you frequently feel angry, depressed, ...
Full articleWe tend to think of our goals as destinations — things to strive towards and then check off the ...
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