
in: Advice, Character

10 Mental Health Rules From the 1930s

Note: In the 1930s, the Cleveland Academy of Medicine held a contest that solicited submissions for the best set of rules for mental health. The winning set of rules, which we share below, was penned by psychiatrist Dr. Joseph Fetterman and published in the academy’s bulletin. 


HAVE A HOBBY: Acquire pursuits which absorb your interest; sports and nature are best.

DEVELOP A PHILOSOPHY: Adapt yourself to social and spiritual surroundings.

SHARE YOUR THOUGHTS: Cultivate companionship in thought and in feeling. Confide, confess, consult.

FACE YOUR FEARS: Analyze them; daylight dismisses ghosts.

BALANCE FANTASY WITH FACT: Dream but also do; wish but build; imagine but ever face reality.

BEWARE OF ALLURING ESCAPES: Alcohol, opiates, and barbitals may prove faithless friends.

EXERCISE: Walk, swim, golf — muscles need activity.

LOVE, BUT LOVE WISELY: Sex is a flame which uncontrolled may scorch; properly guided, it will light the torch of eternity.

DON’T BECOME ENGULFED IN A WHIRLPOOL OF WORRIES: Call early for help. The doctor is ready for your rescue.

TRUST IN TIME: Be patient and hopeful; time is a great therapist.

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